We respect the law, the environment, people in their individuality, work, democracy, popular sovereignty, and the unimpeded pursuit of happiness.


Paulo Fretta Moreira

Lawyer (OAB/SC 19.086). Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Postgraduate in Tax Law from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (GVLAW/SP). Specialized in Electoral Law by the Institute of Political and Electoral Law in São Paulo. Specialized in Public and Administrative Law by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (GVLAW/SP). Member of the 1st Judicial Chamber of the OAB/SC from 2010 to December 2012. Member of the State Board of Sports biennium 2013 to 2014. Author of articles published in several journals, such as Latinlawyer, Gazeta Mercantil, Valor Econômico, Diário do Comércio, Indústria e Serviços - DCI, among others. Co-author of the book “Conexão Migalhas – no. 1 - PPPs - Parceria Público-Privadas” (in English “Connecting Crumbs - no. 1. – PPPs – Public-Private Partnerships”). President of the Electoral Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association – Santa Catarina Section from 2019 to 2021.

Luciano Chede

Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Post-graduate in Business and Corporate Law from the Higher Education Complex of Santa Catarina (CESUSC). Worked as a member of the Board of Trade for the state of Santa Catarina for SCPar and Celesc’s Board of Directors.


Enio Francisco Demoly Neto

Lawyer registered on OAB/SC 29.472. Graduate on Law School for Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI in 2008. Postgraduate in Environmental Law and Urbanistic Law for Anhanguera in 2012. Especialist in Election Law and Sports Law. Member of Council State of Sports for Santa Catarina State and President of the Comission of legislation and norms at the same council since 2007.

Heloísa Sônego de Luca Moreira

Administrative. Graduate on Law School for University of Extremo Sul Catarinense- UNESC since 2003. Postgraduate in Master Business and Retail Management fo University Anhembi Morumbi in 2006.

Bárbara Moreira

Legal Comptroller. Graduated in Law from Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI in 2010. Post-graduated in MBA in Structuring and Management of Compliance Policies.

Renata Pereira Guimarães

Lawyer OAB/SC 34,533. Specialist in Electoral Law by the Regional Electoral Court of Santa Catarina and UNIVALI. Public Relations REG 3852 Image Consultant with international training from the Ecole Supérieure de Relooking in Paris. Vice-President of the Electoral Law Commission of OAB-SC (2016/2018); Events Director of the Academy of Electoral Law ACADE (2014-2018); Secretary of the Electoral Law Commission of the OAB/SC (2014/2016); Member of the Electoral Law Commission of OAB/RS (2014/2021); Member of ABRADEP - Brazilian Academy of Electoral and Political Law (2017/2021)

Luiza Cesar Portella

Lawyer registered with OAB/SC 39.144. Master at Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law from Faculdade Cesusc. Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Graduated in Business Administration from UDESC/ESAG. Researcher at the Center for Constitutional Investigations at the Federal University of Paraná. Secretary of the Electoral Law Commission of the OAB/SC in the biennium 2022/2023

Deborah Leal

Lawyer, registered at OAB/SC 61.905, Graduated in Law from Faculdade Integrada Brasil Amazonia - FIBRA and Post-Graduate in Law, Compliance and Risk Management from Faculdade UniAmerica. Member of the OAB/SC Women's Lawyer Commission. Data Protection Specialist. Through dedication and merit, it has been standing out, especially in the civil area, with an emphasis on contractual law and LGPD.


Suellem Piegas


Luanny Alvino

Law student at Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ), intern with professional experience in a law firm and public agencies. It plays its role by offering support to the FM&C team, daily and remotely, preparing procedural documents, assisting all lawyers in general, as well as producing digital legal content for social networks, using its knowledge in Digital Law, regarding to Legal Design, Visual Law and Digital Legal Marketing.